Third Aliyah (S. Richmond Hill RH Day 2)

Current bid: $180.00

  • Summary of the Third Aliyah – Third Torah reading: They arrived at the place which G‑d had designated. Abraham built the altar, bound Isaac, and placed him on the wood pyre atop the altar. As Abraham stretched out his hand to take the slaughtering knife, an angel appeared and ordered him to desist. “Now I know that you are G‑d fearing, since you have not withheld your only son from Me!” Abraham offered a ram which was caught in a nearby thicket in lieu of his son, and named the area “The L-rd Will See.”
  • Doing the will of G-d and connecting to Him, are a great source of blessing to us and our loved ones, not just in the World to Come, but in this material world.
  • This is the first Torah reading that is open to the general community.

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October 1, 2024 2:00 pm

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  • Summary of the Third Aliyah – Third Torah reading: They arrived at the place which G‑d had designated. Abraham built the altar, bound Isaac, and placed him on the wood pyre atop the altar. As Abraham stretched out his hand to take the slaughtering knife, an angel appeared and ordered him to desist. “Now I know that you are G‑d fearing, since you have not withheld your only son from Me!” Abraham offered a ram which was caught in a nearby thicket in lieu of his son, and named the area “The L-rd Will See.”
  • Doing the will of G-d and connecting to Him, are a great source of blessing to us and our loved ones, not just in the World to Come, but in this material world.
  • This is the first Torah reading that is open to the general community.