Sixth Aliyah – Shachrit (East Thornhill YK)

Current bid: $180.00

  • Summary of the Sixth Aliyah – Sixth Torah reading: Yom Kippur is dubbed the “Shabbat of Shabbats,” the once-a-year opportunity to atone for all our sins.
  • Creating an Island in Time of peace, holiness and tranquillity are doable for all of us. This Shabbat of Shabbats infuses us with the ability to do so.


Past sold for: $1,008

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  • Summary of the Sixth Aliyah – Sixth Torah reading: Yom Kippur is dubbed the “Shabbat of Shabbats,” the once-a-year opportunity to atone for all our sins.
  • Creating an Island in Time of peace, holiness and tranquillity are doable for all of us. This Shabbat of Shabbats infuses us with the ability to do so.


Past sold for: $1,008