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Maftir & Haftorah (S. Richmond Hill RH Day 2)
Current bid: $180.00
- Maftir: Read from a different sefer Torah, the maftir reading details the various sacrifices offered in the Holy Temple on Rosh Hashanah, along with the accompanying wine, oil and meal offerings, with prayerful wishes that G-d should rebuild the Bet HaMikdash.
- The person who buys this Aliyah will also read the haftorah – the prophetic reading, or give the honour to someone else who could read the haftorah with proper cantillations.
- The haftorah – prophetic reading is a moving section, from the book of Jeremiah, where after describing the coming redemption and ingathering of the Jewish people from across the globe, he tenderly describes the relationship between Hashem and His children, and therefore the compassion He has for them.
- The relevance and importance of our time and to us are clear. We live in amazing times, yet, we yearn for the coming of Mashiach, when we will see with our eyes of flesh, the realization of these beautiful prophecies.
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- Maftir: Read from a different sefer Torah, the maftir reading details the various sacrifices offered in the Holy Temple on Rosh Hashanah, along with the accompanying wine, oil and meal offerings, with prayerful wishes that G-d should rebuild the Bet HaMikdash.
- The person who buys this Aliyah will also read the haftorah – the prophetic reading, or give the honour to someone else who could read the haftorah with proper cantillations.
- The haftorah – prophetic reading is a moving section, from the book of Jeremiah, where after describing the coming redemption and ingathering of the Jewish people from across the globe, he tenderly describes the relationship between Hashem and His children, and therefore the compassion He has for them.
- The relevance and importance of our time and to us are clear. We live in amazing times, yet, we yearn for the coming of Mashiach, when we will see with our eyes of flesh, the realization of these beautiful prophecies.