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Kohen – First Aliyah – Shachrit (Concord YK)
Current bid: $18.00
- Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: After the demise of Nadab and Abihu, Aaron‘s two eldest sons, G‑d instructed Aaron on the proper procedure for entering the Holy of Holies, once annually on Yom Kippur. On this day, the High Priest must don pristine white garments, and immerse in a mikvah (ritual pool). The High Priest’s personal sacrifice, a bullock, was brought forth, and upon it he confessed, atoning for sins which he may have committed, as well as the sins of his household.
- Developing a deeper connection with the Creator, must not just be dismissed to fluffy inspiration, but a journey with measured steps, with focus and dedication one is able to reach the Holy of Holies.
- The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself if you are a Kohen, or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.
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- Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: After the demise of Nadab and Abihu, Aaron‘s two eldest sons, G‑d instructed Aaron on the proper procedure for entering the Holy of Holies, once annually on Yom Kippur. On this day, the High Priest must don pristine white garments, and immerse in a mikvah (ritual pool). The High Priest’s personal sacrifice, a bullock, was brought forth, and upon it he confessed, atoning for sins which he may have committed, as well as the sins of his household.
- Developing a deeper connection with the Creator, must not just be dismissed to fluffy inspiration, but a journey with measured steps, with focus and dedication one is able to reach the Holy of Holies.
- The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself if you are a Kohen, or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.