Kohen – First Aliyah (East Thornhill RH Day 2)

Current bid: $180.00

  • Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: G‑d commanded Abraham to take his son Isaac to the Land of Moriah, and offer him as a sacrifice on a mountain (eventually to become known as the Temple Mount). Abraham rose early in the morning, took along Isaac and necessary provisions, and set out for the Land of Moriah.
  • On Rosh Hashanah we call forth the boundless commitment that our forefathers had to Hashem, empowering us to overcome challenges that might appear to be insurmountable
  • The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself, if you are a Kohen or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.


Past sold for: $3,900

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  • Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: G‑d commanded Abraham to take his son Isaac to the Land of Moriah, and offer him as a sacrifice on a mountain (eventually to become known as the Temple Mount). Abraham rose early in the morning, took along Isaac and necessary provisions, and set out for the Land of Moriah.
  • On Rosh Hashanah we call forth the boundless commitment that our forefathers had to Hashem, empowering us to overcome challenges that might appear to be insurmountable
  • The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself, if you are a Kohen or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.


Past sold for: $3,900