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Fifth Aliyah (Rockford RH Day 2)
Current bid: $108.00
- Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: After these events, Abraham was notified that his sister-in-law, Milkah, had given birth to children. One of these children, Bethuel, was the father of Rebecca, Isaac’s future wife.
- Life goes on. After a dramatic, life-altering experience, we could sometimes get stuck in that moment and not move on. This reading points out and enjoins us to keep moving on to share the blessing of our achievements and connection with Hashem, with the next generation.
- This concludes the Torah reading from the first scroll.
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- Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: After these events, Abraham was notified that his sister-in-law, Milkah, had given birth to children. One of these children, Bethuel, was the father of Rebecca, Isaac’s future wife.
- Life goes on. After a dramatic, life-altering experience, we could sometimes get stuck in that moment and not move on. This reading points out and enjoins us to keep moving on to share the blessing of our achievements and connection with Hashem, with the next generation.
- This concludes the Torah reading from the first scroll.