Fifth Aliyah – Shachrit (East Thornhill YK)

Current bid: $180.00

  • Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: The individual who took the Azazel Goat to the wilderness needed to purify himself and his garments before returning to the Holy Temple. The same applied to those who burned the sin-offerings outside the Temple confines. The Torah then establishes an “eternal statute”: on the tenth day of the seventh month (Yom Kippur) we must afflict ourselves and abstain from work. For on this day G‑d atones for us, purifying us from all our sins.
  • G-d atones our wrongdoings, we have the greatest gift of starting a fresh page. This Torah reading empowers us to live up to embrace this blessing.


Past sold for: $1,008

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October 11, 2024 2:00 pm

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  • Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: The individual who took the Azazel Goat to the wilderness needed to purify himself and his garments before returning to the Holy Temple. The same applied to those who burned the sin-offerings outside the Temple confines. The Torah then establishes an “eternal statute”: on the tenth day of the seventh month (Yom Kippur) we must afflict ourselves and abstain from work. For on this day G‑d atones for us, purifying us from all our sins.
  • G-d atones our wrongdoings, we have the greatest gift of starting a fresh page. This Torah reading empowers us to live up to embrace this blessing.


Past sold for: $1,008