Fifth Aliyah (Concord RH Day 1)

Current bid: $18.00

  • Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: Abraham set apart seven ewes from the flock. Abraham told Abimelech to take those seven ewes as evidence that he, Abraham, dug the well. Abraham planted an orchard and established an inn in Beer Sheba and proclaimed the name of G‑d to all passersby.
  • Remember the importance of gratitude to the Creator for His kindness and more so, remember focus and gain strength for your mission on earth, to proclaim the name of Hashem to all we come in contact with.
  • This concludes the Torah reading from the first scroll

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October 1, 2024 2:00 pm

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  • Summary of the Fifth Aliyah – Fifth Torah reading: Abraham set apart seven ewes from the flock. Abraham told Abimelech to take those seven ewes as evidence that he, Abraham, dug the well. Abraham planted an orchard and established an inn in Beer Sheba and proclaimed the name of G‑d to all passersby.
  • Remember the importance of gratitude to the Creator for His kindness and more so, remember focus and gain strength for your mission on earth, to proclaim the name of Hashem to all we come in contact with.
  • This concludes the Torah reading from the first scroll