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Kohen – First Aliyah – Mincha (Hilda YK)
Current bid: $18.00
- Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: G‑d instructs the Israelites not to follow the immoral practices of the Egyptians and Canaanites. Instead, they are to observe His commandments, which bring their follower’s reward and life.
- The holiness of Yom Kippur must not remain exclusive to this sacred day, but must be taken with us to every area of life, including, if not starting with, our intimate life. This reading empowers us to do so.
- The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself if you are a Kohen, or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.
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- Summary of the First Aliyah – First Torah reading: G‑d instructs the Israelites not to follow the immoral practices of the Egyptians and Canaanites. Instead, they are to observe His commandments, which bring their follower’s reward and life.
- The holiness of Yom Kippur must not remain exclusive to this sacred day, but must be taken with us to every area of life, including, if not starting with, our intimate life. This reading empowers us to do so.
- The first one to be called up to the Torah is a Kohen. You could buy this honour for yourself if you are a Kohen, or if you want to acquire the mitzvah and give it away to a Kohen that we will have at the services.