Fourth Aliyah (East Thornhill RH Day 2)

Current bid: $1,110.00

  • Summary of the Fourth Aliyah – Fourth Torah reading: G‑d promised Abraham great blessings as a reward for passing this difficult test. “I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in heaven!” Abraham and Isaac returned home to Beer Sheba.
  • Every single one of his children, is like a star in the heaven, with the ability to illuminate the world. Do you realize your true potential?


Past sold for: $1,008

1 in stock

This auction is closed

Username Bid Amount Datetime
a***h $1,110.00 2024-10-02 13:46:20
d*******n $200.00 2024-10-02 13:39:16
Start auction $180.00


  • Summary of the Fourth Aliyah – Fourth Torah reading: G‑d promised Abraham great blessings as a reward for passing this difficult test. “I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in heaven!” Abraham and Isaac returned home to Beer Sheba.
  • Every single one of his children, is like a star in the heaven, with the ability to illuminate the world. Do you realize your true potential?


Past sold for: $1,008